Ministries at Our Savior

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Children's Ministries

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for all children, beginning at age 3 or 4 (whenever the child is ready). We use the “Growing in Christ” curriculum from Concordia Publishing House, a rich resource which allows children to engage the Scriptures in meaningful ways. Every lesson centers on Jesus Christ, proclaims God’s Law and Gospel, and applies God’s Word to daily life. Over a three year period, children will explore every part of the Bible.

Vacation Bible School

More information regarding VBS this year will be released soon! Stay tuned.

Youth ministries

Youth Group

Our youth group meets every Sunday morning for Bible study. They also meet periodically at other times for service projects, pizza parties, retreats, and other fun activities. Youth from Our Savior also have opportunities to attend National (and regional) Youth Gatherings.

Confirmation Instruction

Confirmation is a public rite of the church, preceded by a period of instruction, designed to help baptized Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian community. At Our Savior, Confirmation Instruction is a two-year process which typically begins in the 5th or 6th grade. Classes are offered during the school year, usually on a weekday in the late afternoon or early evening. Students are led through an intensive study of the Scriptures and Luther’s Small Catechism, culminating the rite of Confirmation, usually held in the Spring.

Adult Ministries

Adult Bible study is offered every Sunday, following the Divine Service. Some recent studies have covered the books of 1 Corinthians, Ecclesiastes, Jonah, and Colossians. Recent topical studies have included a look at “Vocation” and “Worship in the Name of Jesus.”

Other Bible study opportunities are offered periodically throughout the year. Our “Looking Ahead” study meets as a small group in member homes to get a foretaste of the next Sunday’s Scripture readings. At “Sunday Night Cinema” members meet at church to view and discuss movies with Christian themes. Our “LifeLight” studies afford members the chance to dig deep into God’s Word by utilizing a study guide at home in preparation for each week’s class session.

Family Ministries

We have a genuine love for one another and enjoy gathering together for fun and conversation. Many of our families gather each summer for one weekend in August for a Retreat at Whispering Pines near Shawano, WI. In December, families gather for Christmas caroling, cookies and hot chocolate. Special suppers are held at church each Wednesday during Advent and Lent, offering families a chance to dine together before midweek worship. (By the way, these are not your average Lutheran potluck meals!)

Men of Our Savior

Bible Study

The men’s breakfast Bible Study meets at 6:30 a.m. on the first Friday of each month for Bible study, prayer, and a delicious homemade breakfast. This sessions topic begins on October 2 with the focus of study on the book of Corinthians.

Hot coffee is ready and waiting when you arrive!

Please refer to the calendar for accurate dates.

Women of Our Savior

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)

Our Savior has a very active group of women who meet together regularly for service projects and Bible study. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) exists to support mission work locally and around the world. Many women from Our Savior regularly attend local, state and nation LWML events and conventions.

Opportunities to serve the Lord with gladness, the motto of the LWML, are available at Our Savior. The local society has five meetings per year. Meetings consist of Bible study and/or a guest presenter, invitations to attend LWML local, district and national events, mite/mission updates and a brief business meeting. The LWML board seeks to diversify meeting activities, to be inclusive and to keep the congregation apprised of LWML events and mission projects. All mites go to district and national mission projects. 75% of mite offerings stay in the South Wisconsin District of the LWML while 25% are sent to support the national mission projects. District conventions and national conventions also take place on a biennium basis.

Please make sure to check our calendar for upcoming events and activities.

Other Opportunities

Altar guild, serving as an LWML board member on the local and/or district level teaching Sunday school, helping with vacation Bible school (VBS), preparing and serving a meal the third Wednesday of every month at Bethany’s soup kitchen (Bethany is our sister church in the inner city), being a greeter, counting the church offerings, serving on committees to help keep the physical plant of the church in good working order, singing in the choir … these are just some of the ways women may choose to serve. The warm, friendly, inviting atmosphere of Our Savior encourages women to become involved in spreading the Good News of Jesus in a manner that allows them to use their God-given gifts to further the Gospel.